The much anticipated Glosair next generation system has arrived.
The NEW Glosair decontamination system by Oxy’Pharm greatly enhances an already impressive product portfolio with its advanced technology features.
Automated, no touch, airborne decontamination developed around a heating ionizing turbine (as used with Nocospray and Nocomax machines) the new Glosair delivers dry gas diffusion of Hydrogen Peroxide. It will also use the existing Glosair cartridge offering a next generation option to existing Glosair users and an advanced technology system to new customers alike.
It carries validated efficacy of up to log 6 reduction across the full spectrum of pathogens and is fully compliant with European standards for airborne disinfection 2017.

The next generation system carries some interesting features including an in built ventilation system and two venturi nozzles which enables diffusion into target room areas of up to 2000m3. Additionally it has a touch screen intuitive interface control panel. From here users can facilitate a large capacity programming function, tracking system and numerous operational support tools.
A specially designed base with a centralised rotating wheel ensures great mobility and ease of movement completing a pleasurable and simplified operating experience.
Contact us today for more information or if you would like to see a demonstration.